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Finance and stock right investment business is one of Lonsen's important business unit. From 2003, Lonsen has started finance and stock right investment business, now has several investment office in east cities.

In 2003 in Shanghai

Lonsen  founded the first investment company - Shanghai Longsheng Investment Ltd, which is mainly engaged in purchasing and assert management.

In 2004 in Hongkong

Lonsen set up Well Prospering Ltd, which is mainly engaged in investment and purchasing of oversea programmes.

In 2007 in Shenzhen

Lonsen set up Zhongke Lonsen Venture Capital Investment Ltd, which is mainly engaged in investment and purchasing of high-quality programmes and finance products.

  • Business Result:

  • In February 2010,invested 22 million Euro, signed the convertable bonds agreement of Kiri Company,  brought Dystar into the global strategic plan.

  • In May 2009, invested 60 million to set up two house purchasing companies in Shanghai.

  • In September 2008 and April 2009,invested 30 million to set up the production and sale base of auto stampings and matrix in Jiangsu Nanjing and Hebei Dingzhou.

  • In April  2008,financed 430 million to purchase Longhua Holding.

  • In October 2007, financed 6 million USD to build up cooperation relationship with India Kiri Company, set up reactive dyestuff programme in India.

  •  In August 2007, financed 143 million to purchase 9.55% share of Shandong Binhua.

  • On August 1st 2003, Lonsen share - Zhejiang Longsheng (code 600352) was listed in Shanghai Stock Exchange. In 2007, issued additional A share 1.16 billion. In 2009, issued 1.25 billion convertable company bonds. In 2010, has gained 2.4 billion financing. As the end of 2010, the value of listed company is 17 billion.
